"When in Rome, do as the Romans do." Sure that quotation applies to.... some portion of beginning a business on the web. In my opinion, I say when in Rome, start breaking off a piece that European pie and establish your own country! "Ivy... are we talking about ruling the web now?" Not all of it... ;)
The internet as I've said before, is a breeding ground for full blown marketing. This is the territory that we've been given to tread on. For internet entrepreneurs, it's like a battlefield. We all want a piece of that land! What entrepreneur wouldn't want a piece of Myspacetopia, or Youtubia? Who wouldn't want the land of Diggnation or the Facebook Empire? Wouldn't you like to become the next King John Chow, or Emperor Tom Anderson? The answer should be yes, but heed these words....everyones journey is different!
That land has already been tread on, following in their footsteps just makes deeper foot prints! And furthermore, once you reach their destination... well, it's already been ruled. "But Ivy... does that mean we shouldn't take their advice?" Hey... I said nothing about not taking advice, I'm speaking in terms of literally trying to do what they did to become successful. Advice is great to absorb because knowledge is power, but take this knowledge and start your own journey.
Survival Guide for the Territorial Battle:Okay, so you've decided to take over some of that internet land, huh? Well you can't go into battle without the proper preparations. There are somethings you need before you start breaking some territorial ground.
- Advice from successful entrepreneurs: This will be the shield, armor and weapons your army will use in battle. Every word you receive, every blog you read will plan you for what lies ahead in the battle field. From ways on getting traffic, all the way to making a first good impression to your visitors.
- Entrepreneur Testimonials: This will be your water, first aid, and bandages that will comfort and aid you during battle. Words of encouragement keep us going through times we feel like giving up. Hang in there warriors! You will one day have your time to shine!
- Your Idea put into works: This is your army. Warriors that are ready to go out and win some of that territory. It's time to put your armor on, gather adequate aid, and go show the world what you've got!